Autumn Is Coming

Just got word from Mike Davis that my story "Cul Du-Sac Virus" is going to be included in his Autumn Cthulhu anthology. As an avowed lover of Autumn (there really is no better season) I'm both honored and excited to have one of my stories among the leaves.





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Closing the Circle

I can still clearly remember the cove of Inferno #1, a Khornate space marine standing cruel and defiant against a misty background. It (and William King's Felix and Gotrek novels) was my entry point into darker fantasy fiction. Sure, I'd devoured the works of Tolkien, Feist, McCaffery, Llywelyn, and a score of other genre luminaries, but I'd never come across a vision so gritty, so hopeless.

One issue and I was hooked.

I picked up every Inferno until the end of its run in 2004, and loved every word of it. As evidence, I submit my first (and only) car accident, which resulted from me running a stop sign because I was arguing with my brothers about who would win in a fight: an elf or an ork? (I argued elf, of course). I won the argument, but totaled my 1996 Ford Taurus station wagon.

Ten years ago, when I started trying to actually publish the stuff I wrote, I never could have dreamed I'd be sitting here holding an issue of Inferno with my name on the cover. Well, I just received my contributor's copy--and here it is.

Sorry for the blurriness, my hands are shaking from excitement.

I can't really convey what this means to me. I can only say how grateful I am, both to Black Library, and the many, many people who took a chance on me--Charlotte Llewelyn-Wells, Kate Hamer, Nick Kyme, and all the copy editors who spent long hours whetting my prose to razor sharpness. If I ever manage to cross the pond, I owe you all a drink (at the very least).

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